Math 3140/5140 schedule
The references are to "Linear Algebra" by Hoffman/Kunze. (There are a few topics which are not covered in the book.)
Date Topic
January 18 Introduction
January 23 Fields, vector spaces (1.1, 2.1, 2.2 up to Theorem 1)
January 25 Subspaces, intersection and sum, direct sum (2.2, 6.6)
Homework 1 section 1.2 problems 5, 7 and 8, section 2.1 problems 1,3,7
section 2.2 problems 7,9
January 30 Direct sum and complement, linear independence (2.3)
February 1 Basis, exchange lemma (2.3)
Homework 2 section 2.3 problems 4,7,8,9,10, section 6.6 problems 1,2
February 6 Exchange theorem, the dimension of a vector space, dimension formula (2.3)
February 8 Matrices, systems of linear equations, Row-reduced echelon form, elementary row operations (1.4, 1.5)
Homework 3 HW 3
February 13 elementary matrices, invertible matrices (1.5, 1.6)
February 15 Linear maps, the isomorphism theorem (part of 3.1, 3.3)
February 20 First midterm MATH_314 Midterm 1.pdf
February 22 dimension formula for linear maps (Theorem 2 in 3.1), coordinates (2.4)
Homework 4 section 2.4 problems 5,6,7, section 3.2 problem 6, section 3.3 problem 7
February 27 matrix representations of linear maps (3.4), more on matrix representations of linear maps (3.4 Theorem 13), equivalence and similarity (3.4),
February 29 rank (2.5), applications to systems of linear equations, congruence relations
Homework 5 section 3.4 problems 2,9,10,12
March 12 quotient spaces, homomorphism theorem (A.3, A.4, A.5) Ways to think about quotients
March 14 Linear forms (3.5), duality (3.6), orthogonality (3.5)
Homework 6 HW 6
March 19 dual linear map (3.7)
March 21 permutations (part of 5.3), multilinear forms, alternating multilinear forms
March 26 Second midterm MATH_314 Midterm 2.pdf
March 28 alternating multilinear forms, determinant of an endomorphism (5.2, 5.3)
Homework 7 section 5.2 problems 1,13, section 5.3 problems 3,4,9,12,13
April 2 Determinants of matrices (5.4)
April 4 Laplace Expansion, , Cramer's rule (5.4), Polynomials (4.1, 4.2, 4.5)
Homework 8 section 4.5 Problems 3,5,6, section 5.4 8,11
April 9 Eigenvalues, characteristic polynomial (6.2)
April 11 Minimal polynomial, primary decomposition (6.3, 6.4)
Homework 9 section 6.2 Problem 5,7,14, section 6.3 Problem 6,9, section 6.4 Problem 1
April 16 Generalized eigenspaces, Jordan normal form for nilpotent endomorphisms (7.3)
April 18 Jordan normal form, Hermitian forms, inner products, orthonormalization (8.1, 8.2)
Homework 10 section 7.3 Problem 1,2,3,8,9,11
April 23 orthogonal complement, self-duality, adjoint maps, self-adjoint operators (8.2, 8.3)
April 25 Third midterm MATH_314 Midterm 3.pdf